
jeudi 19 février 2009

Cheesy group gift at Romi Skins

Romi Juliesse has just released her 8th group gift, this gorgeous exclusive skin. Romi Skins always make Yael look so cute, I love them!
The skin is available in the shop, wear your group tag and buy it for 0l$. And while you're there, take a look at the other awesome skins, the non free ones they are simply stunningly adorable (yes, I AM using a thesaurus, so what?)
The previous group gift skins are still available on the lucky boards until feb. 21st, so hurry and get them!

Yael is wearing (100% free)
Shape: Ivy Short - Cyanide - lucky chair prize
Skin: Romi08 - Romi Skins - group gift
Hair: Lara lightbrown - Aden previous group gift
Eyes: Valentine Gift 09 - Poetic Eyes (still there, hurry to get them!)
Outfit: Porcelaine Prince - The Black Canary (*waves at Morrigan who is so sweet*) lucky chair price

Who is Yael? Er... well see the dragon guy, third from the left on the top picture? That's Arthur, a very very good friend of mine, even if he's not around much these days, and Yael is his little sister... She's a poor girl and only wear freebies (or dollarbies)

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