
vendredi 10 avril 2009

Me fighting... seriously...

So... I got bored of shopping, camping, lucky chair stalking and all, and wanted to try something new... I also had all these pretty fight outfits in my inventory, and would never wear them because I'm supposed to wear a dress in Avilion, since I'm in none of the combat classes... I asked my friend Vox if he could teach me, we went to pick up a free sword at Steel Souls, Altarius Flanagan's shop in Avilion Vale, and headed to the Nexus where I received my first sparring lesson...

Vox Rhiadra: and so....
Vox Rhiadra: WHY ON EARTH
Vox Rhiadra: is your spellfire down
Rosemarie Indigo: 78?
Rosemarie Indigo: How is that even possible???
Altarius Flanagan: you hit yourself
Eithne McBride: Oh heaven help us all - Sister Rose is weilding a sword!

Then the training started:

Vox Rhiadra: You're way too close (you look hot by the way).. but don't stand so close.

Yes, At first I really really REALLY sucked, I managed to hurt myself...
But then...

Vox Rhiadra: did i just see you win?????????????????
Vox Rhiadra: you shitting me right?

Only problem, when you fight, is that you're supposed to remove as many prims as you can... which, for a fashion brat like myself, can be a problem... I finally accepted to remove some of my attachments, including my beloved 51prims eyelashes from Magika

Rosemarie Indigo: It took Vox an hour to get me out of my skirt
Tan Tantalus: uhm pardon?

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