
samedi 23 mai 2009

A wonderful evening

It started with some dagger training, and despite being very bad at it, I had lots of fun... I beat Rayne a few times, cut my husband's little finger (poor Tan... *hugs him*) and got killed at the beginning at the battle royale.

Then I ran home to wash in the waterfall and change (I didn't want to go dance with my beloved being all sweaty) and headed to the drum circle for a dance:

*sighs happily and gets under the sheets, yawning*
Good night!

dimanche 17 mai 2009

Flying over Avilion on a dragon...

I just took my first dragon flight!! Yes, I hear you , I am a fae, I have wings and I can fly by myself... but you know what, it was an entirely new experience... Sir Jayden can lift up to two people at the same time, and all the profits go to Relay for Life... Go to Avilion... (dress code applies)and have some fun!

Just one thing though... you *may* want to tie your hair before you go...



dimanche 10 mai 2009

Happy Mother day Momma Fae...

Apparently in some parts of the world, today is mother's day... my sister Suzie organised a party for our fae godmother, Juniper...

vendredi 8 mai 2009

What does Rosie do...

...when she's stuck out of SL? Well she starts sorting her things, makes disastrous attempts at creating (clothes, skins or other stuff that I am not showing you, ever, because they're really ugly... no REALLY). I also rummage through my pictures and find pretty ones of the most glamourous couple of Avilion to my opinion *giggles*, and I show them to you...

Let's see... does SL work now? Hmm I highly doubt it... Nope... *sighs and starts Gimp*

samedi 2 mai 2009

...and friends over

Left to right: Eithne, Rosalie, Boaz, Devora, me, Alexandra

New house...

I was very sad and upset the other night (for RL personnal reasons that I won't detail here, and I needed some major changes to cheer me up... I removed my tree house and put in that lovely little cottage instead... I am now trying to convince Mae and Eithne to get the same...